Beacon Chain Tables

Goerli Beacon Chain tables available to query via SQL

The Goerli testnet has been deprecated on as of March 22, 2024. Datasets are available but no longer updated.

Goerli Beacon tables available to query

Table NameDescription

Latest validators, with their status and current balance

This table contains data about each slot in the Beacon Chain.

Slots from the past 30 minutes.

This table stores data about attestations made by validators on the Beacon Chain.

Attestations from the past 30 minutes.

This table contains data about validator deposits made on the Beacon Chain.

Deposits from the past 30 minutes.

This table stores data about voluntary exits of validators from the Beacon Chain.

Voluntary exits from the past 30 minutes.

This table contains information about attester slashings on the Beacon Chain. Occurs when a validator has made conflicting attestations

Attester slashings from the past 30 minutes

This table stores data about proposer slashings on the Beacon Chain. Proposer slashings occur when a validator has been found to have proposed two conflicting blocks for the same slot.

Proposer slashings from the past 30 minutes

Requests to change old BLS withdrawal credentials to the new withdrawal credentials in execution address format

Requests from the past 30 minutes

Withdrawals of ETH from the beacon chain to the Goerli testnet chain

Withdrawals from the past 30 minutes

The table list is also available as a SQL query using show tables. For example:

SHOW TABLES IN goerli.beacon

Last updated