EigenLayer Tables

Ethereum EigenLayer tables available to query via SQL

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Ethereum EigenLayer tables available to query


All EigenPods

All EigenPod Validators

EigenPodlu ETH wallet changed balances including the delta from last block

StrategyManager event for when a strategy is added to the approved list of strategies for deposit

StrategyManager event for when a new deposit occurs on behalf of depositor

StrategyManager event for when a strategy is removed from the approved list of strategies for deposit

StrategyManager event for when a new withdrawal occurs on behalf of depositor

StrategyManager event for when the strategyWhitelister is changed

StrategyManager event for when a queued withdrawal is completed

StrategyManager event for when the withdrawalDelayBlocks variable is modified from previousValue to newValue

StrategyManager event for when a new withdrawal is queued by depositor

Current per-block, Ether balance for the DelayedWithdrawalRouter contract

Decoded DelayedWithdrawalClaimed events for the DelayedWithdrawalRouter contract

Decoded DelayedWithdrawalCreated events from the DelayedWithdrawalRouter contract

The table list is also available as a SQL query using show tables. For example:

SHOW TABLES IN eth.eigenlayer

Improving query performance - indexed columns

Query performance can be significantly improved by adding WHERE clauses to your query on specific indexed columns. All Eigenlayer tables have an index on block_number.

Last updated