Uniswap V2 Tables

Ethereum Uniswap V2 tables available to query via SQL

Tables available to query


Top 1000 Uniswap-V2 Pools

Pool stats (reserves, etc) for each block

Join between pools and pool_stats

Uniswap-V2 mint events

Uniswap-V2 burn events

Uniswap-V2 swap events

Uniswap-V2 sync events

Uniswap-V2 mint events from the last 30 minutes, ~128 blocks

Uniswap-V2 burn events from the last 30 minutes, ~128 blocks

Uniswap-V2 swap events from the last 30 minutes, ~128 blocks

Uniswap-V2 sync events from the last 30 minutes, ~128 blocks

The columns and their schema available for each table can be viewed with the describe <table> command. For example:

DESCRIBE eth.uniswap_v2.pools
DESCRIBE eth.uniswap_v2.pool_stats
DESCRIBE eth.uniswap_v2.pool_stats_detailed
DESCRIBE eth.uniswap_v2.event_mints

Improving query performance - indexed columns

Query performance can be significantly improved by adding WHERE clauses to your query on specific indexed columns.

Table NameIndexed Columns


block_number pool_address


block_number pool_address


block_number block_timestamp address

Last updated