Returns the sample covariance for non-NULL pairs across all input values.


COVAR_SAMP(expression1 numeric, expression2 numeric) → double

  • expression1: An expression that evaluates to a numeric type. This parameter is the dependent value.

  • expression2: An expression that evaluates to a numeric type. This parameter is the independent value.


Aggregate function example
SELECT COVAR_SAMP(transaction_count, gas_used)
FROM eth.recent_blocks

-- 31.70536780565699
Aggregate function example using optional DISTINCT clause
SELECT COVAR_SAMP(DISTINCT transaction_count, gas_used)
FROM eth.recent_blocks

-- 31.7053678056971
Window function example
SELECT COVAR_SAMP(transaction_count, gas_used)
  OVER (PARTITION BY transaction_count)
FROM eth.recent_blocks

-- 2.442515362986122e-15

Usage Notes

This function supports the use of ALL and DISTINCT:

SELECT COVAR_SAMP( [ { ALL | DISTINCT } ] expression1, expression2)

Last updated