API Reference


The top-level object that connects to Spice.ai

Query can be accessed from SpiceClient, Prices functions can be accessed from SpiceClient.prices

pub struct SpiceClient {
    flight: SqlFlightClient,
    pub prices: PricesClient,

SpiceClient Methods

new(api_key: &str) -> Self

  • api_key(&str, required): API key to authenticate with the endpoint

query(&mut self, query: &str) -> Result<FlightRecordBatchStream, Box<dyn Error>>

use spice_rs::Client;

let client = Client::new(api_key).await;
  • query: (&str, required): The SQL query to execute

query returns an Apache Arrow FlightRecordBatchStream

let flight_data_stream = client.query("SELECT * FROM eth.recent_blocks LIMIT 10;").await.expect("Error executing query");

To get the data in Arrow Array RecordBatch, iterate over FlightRecordBatchStream

while let Some(batch) = flight_data_stream.next().await {
                    match batch {
                        Ok(batch) => {
                            /* process batch */
                            println!("{:?}", batch)
                        Err(e) => {
                            /* handle error */

.prices.get_supported_pairs(&self) -> Result<Vec, Box<dyn Error>>

get_supported_pairs returns supported pairs by prices client

example api query

let result = spice_client
    .expect("Error getting supported pairs");
println!("{:?}", result);

.prices.get_prices(&self, pairs: &[&str]) -> Result<LatestPricesResponse, Box<dyn Error>>

  • pairs: (&[&str], required): The crypto/currency pairs, for example &["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD"]

get_prices returns a LatestPricesResponse struct

pub struct LatestPricesResponse {
    // This assumes each key in the JSON (like "BTC-USDC", "LTC-USDT") is dynamic and represents a currency pair
    pub prices: HashMap<String, LatestPriceDetail>,

LatestPricesResponse consists of LatestPricesResponse struct

pub struct LatestPriceDetail {
    #[serde(deserialize_with = "string_to_float_map")]
    pub prices: HashMap<String, f64>,
        rename = "minPrice",
        deserialize_with = "string_to_float_option"
    pub min_price: Option<f64>,
        rename = "maxPrice",
        deserialize_with = "string_to_float_option"
    pub max_price: Option<f64>,
        rename = "meanPrice",
        deserialize_with = "string_to_float_option"
    pub mean_price: Option<f64>,

example api query

let result = client
    .get_prices(&["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD"])
    .expect("Error getting prices");
println!("{:?}", result);

.prices.get_historical_prices( &self, pairs: &[&str], start: Option<DateTime>, end: Option<DateTime>, granularity: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<HashMap<String, Vec<HistoricalPriceData>>, Box<dyn Error>>

  • pairs: (&[&str], required): The crypto/currency pairs, for example &["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD"]

  • start: start time milliseconds since Unix Epoch

  • end: end time milliseconds since Unix Epoch

  • granularity: valid duration

get_historical_prices returns a vector of HistoricalPrices struct

pub struct HistoricalPriceData {
    pub timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
    pub price: f64,
    pub high: Option<f64>,
    pub low: Option<f64>,
    pub open: Option<f64>,
    pub close: Option<f64>,

example api query

let start_time = Utc.timestamp_opt(1697669766, 0).single();
let end_time = Utc.timestamp_opt(1697756166, 0).single();
let result = spice_client
    .get_historical_prices(&["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD"], start_time, end_time, Some("1h"))
    .expect("Error getting historical prices");
println!("{:?}", result);

Last updated